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Adresses, e-mails

- Pr. Eugenio Ragazzi -   eugenio.ragazzi@unipd.it, un des plus grands expert d'ambre italiens, unit la passion pour cette magique "pierre" à sa compétence pharmacologique. Il est professeur agrégé de pharmacologie à l'Université de Padoue et il est l'auteur, avec une équipe internationale de chercheurs, de nombreuses publications:


---" First record of Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) amber and associated palynoflora from Monti Lessini (northern Italy)" 

Mirco Neri, Guido Roghi, Eugenio Ragazzi, Cesare Andrea Papazzoni

Available online at :  https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/geobios

---"Amber, a Stone of Sun for Ancient Medicines" Eugenio Ragazzi  -  Acta Medico-Historica Rigensia. - https://dspace.rsu.lv/jspui/bitstream/123456789/42/1/amhr.2016.X.208-234.pdf

-"Middle Triassic Amber Associated with Voltzialean Conifers from the southern Alps of Italy".

Guido Roghi, Evelyn Kustatscher, Eugenio Ragazzi & Luca Giusberti  - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia vol.123(2): 193-202   July 2017


---"Arthropods in amber from the Triassic Period"

Alexander R. Schmidt, Saskia Jancke, Evert E. Lindquist, Eugenio Ragazzi, Guido Roghi, Paul C. Nascimbene,

Kerstin Schmidt, Torsten Wapplerh, and David A. Grimaldi,

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1208464109/-/DCSupplemental

---"Plant-feeding mite diversity in Triassic amber (Acari:


Ekaterina A. Sidorchuk, Alexander R. Schmidt, Eugenio Ragazzi, Guido Roghi & Evert E. Lindquist

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjsp20

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14772019.2013.867373

- Dr. Giovanni Corsetti - gcorsetti@libero.it  - Biologue, chercheur universitaire et professeur de biologie et chimie. Il a publié un intéressant livre: "L'Ambra, l'origine, le caratteristiche, i trattamenti e le imitazioni" Ed. Gemmarum Lapidator. Très utile.

- John Fudala - jfudala@attibi.com Actif animateur de l'Ambergroup et expert d'ambre de tous pays.

- Andrew Ross - A.Ross@nhm.ac.uk  Responsable du secteur des Arthropodes Fossiles du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Londres, a pubblié un petit volume " AMBER THE NATURAL TIME CAPSULE" de facile consultation pour la catalogation des inclusions. Très utile.

Liens utiles

- Amber Queen - https://amberqueenstore.com

- Amber Seaside - https://amberseaside.com

- INKLUSEN.de - www.inklusen.de di  Axel Niggeloh   

- Ambar - http://www.gioielliambra.it  di Gianluca Cattaneo  

- Stagen Ravmuseum - http://www.ravmuseum.dk 

- Ambre Jaune - http://ambre.jaune.free.fr   di Eric Geirnaert  egeirnaert@nordnet.fr

- World of Amber - http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/amber/amber.htm  di Susan Ward Aber abersusa@esumail.emporia.edu  

- Swedish Amber Museum - http://www.brost.se

- Amber, a Wiew of the Past - http://www.ambericawest.com/amber_info.html  

- 3 DOT STUDIO AMBER PROJECT - http://www.3dotstudio.com/amberhome.html

- Amber - Stone Live - http://www.amberabg.com  di Andrzej  Gorski, info@amberabg.com .

- DEAD BUG IN AMBER CLUB - http://Snakefly.tripod.com/, di Yale Goldman Snakefly99@hotmail.com 

- Fano Online - http://www.fanoe-online.dk  

- Arti Ambra -  http://www.arti-ambra.pl/

 - AMBERDEPOT- http://www.amberdepot.com

- Amber Gallery - http://www.ambergallery.com

- Amber World Lt - www.amberworld.lt  

 - Gemfrance -   www.gemfrance.com 

- Geminterest -    http://www.geminterest.com  

- Ambersto - www.ambersto.pl

- Amber Shopping -  www.ambershopping.com

- Always in Fashion -  www.alwaysinfashion.com

- Regali dalla Russia -  www.ingrossobigiotteria.com

- Ravsiden - http://www.ravsiden.dk/  Rolf Simonsen   

- http://amber-inclusions.dk/   Anders Damgaard  

- Jewerly Wonder - http://jewelrywonder.com/

- Copal och Bärnsten -  www.insektsfossil.se 

- L'Atelier de Gemmologie -  http://gemmo.free.fr/ 

- Amber Jewellery -  www.jewellery-amber.co.uk

Portails de Paleontologie et  Mineralogie

- Free gemology courses - Paul Gian -  http://beyond4cs.com/free-gemology-courses-and-resources/

- Ru's Paleo Galleries-  http://rusmithsgallery.fotopic.net/

- Paleobusiness - http://www.paleobusiness.com 

- APSN - http://www.comune.pisa.it/apsn .

- Paleoweb - http://www.paleoweb.it.

- Mineral Collector Page - http://minerant.org/index.html

- Paleofox - http://www.paleofox.com

- Geologia.com - http://www.geologia.com/welcome.html

- ePaleontology - http://www.epalaeontology.com/html/index.php 

- Biodiversité des Ecosystèmes Fossiles - http://membres.lycos.fr/paleorcl/

- GeoStoria -http://www.geostoria.com 

- Ambre mémoire de la préhistoire -  http://ambre.photo-macro.info

- Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “E. Caffi” Bergamo - www.museoscienzebergamo.it

- Amber Fossil Collection -   http://www.amberfossilcollection.com/  

- Risorse Geologiche - http://www.super-web.it/geologia/primapagina.asp  

- Annuaire des sciences de la Terre et de la Vie -

- Paleo Patology - www.rizziarcheologia.it,  - www.paleopatologia.com 

- Burgess Shale http://eaglefordtexas.com/fossils-burgess-shale (Thank - Emma Masso and Mrs. Lowe's students)

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- L'AMBRA FARMACO SOLARE -  Eugenio Ragazzi  eugenio.ragazzi@unipd.it 

- AMBRE, MIEL DE FORTUNE ET MEMOIRE DE VIE - E. Geirnaert. http://ambre.jaune.free.fr/

- ATLAS OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS IN BALTIC AMBER - W. Weitschat, W. Wichard. http://www.pfeil-verlag.de/07pala/e2_94.html

- AMBER THE NATURAL TIME CAPSULE - A. Ross. www.nhm.ac.uk/shop 

- AMBER, WINDOW TO THE PAST - D. Grimaldi. http://.amnh.org/exhibitions/amber/

- LES FANTOMES DE L'AMBRE - E.Kreminska, W. Kreminski. http://www.ne.ch/neuchatel/mhn/

- BERNSTEIN - M. Kutscher. http://www.mv-live.de/bernstein-museum

- AMBRA: SCRIGNO DEL TEMPO - C.Pontin, M. Celi. mpt@libero.it

- L'AMBRA, L'ORIGINE, LE CARATTERISTICHE, I TRATTAMENTI E LE IMITAZIONI - G. Corsetti http://www.gemmarum.it/html/home_page.html

- Amber - David Penney -  http://siriscientificpress.co.uk/TheAmberLab.aspx


Books new entry

               AMBRA. Il fascino di una gemma tra mito, scienza e vanità  

                  AMBER. The fashion of a gem, among myth, science and vanity

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A new book on amber has recently been issued (May 2007). It follows an amber exhibition held at the Museum of Natural History of Ferrara (Italy) in 2004/2005.

The book, written in Italian, is a mine of information about the many aspects on amber and can be useful for the beginner but also for the advanced enthusiast.

The volume, edited by Enrico Trevisani of the Museum of Ferrara, has been written by several authors expert on various topics within the amber scenario.

The first part of the book describes origins, physico-chemical properties of amber, distribution of fossil resins in the world and inclusions. The following section covers specific topics, including amber in archaeology and in ancient medicine, and also amber-related curiosities, such as amber in stamps. The final section of the book is dedicated to many wonderful full-page color pictures of amber specimens.

Authors of specific sections:

ENRICO TREVISANI (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara)

EUGENIO RAGAZZI (Dipartimento di Farmacologia ed Anestesiologia, Università di Padova)

GUIDO ROGHI (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - CNR Sezione di Padova)

ATTILIO MASTROCINQUE (Università degli Studi di Verona)

MAURIZIO BUORA (Unità Organizzativa Musei di Storia e Arte, Comune di Udine)

The volume is 128 pages, cm 24.5 x 28, with 140 color photographs, 68 of which are of large size (by Roberto Appiani).

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale e Comune di Ferrara - Minerva Edizioni, Argelato (BO).

ISBN: 978 88 7381 189 3

The price is 25.00 €

To buy the book, contact the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara – Via Filippo De Pisis 24 –  44100 Ferrara  (Italy)

E-mail: museo.storianaturale@comune.fe.it 

Call Center +39 0532 209988

L'AMBRA FARMACO SOLARE - A very interesting book on amber and its use in medicine. The author Eugenio Ragazzi eugenio.ragazzi@unipd.it, an  amber enthusiast from Italy, joins the passion for this magical "stone" to the pharmacologyical competence: he is a professor at the University of Padua. (Italy)



Sites amis
- J'ai le plaisir de signaler les sites d'une sympathique couple d'artistes: splendides bijoux en verre et s artistiques réalisés par Joanie Schlafer www.lightcurves.etsy.com et peintures très originales de Nicholas Clemente www.transformativeart.etsy.com
- Forever114 -  Site de George Corfini dédié à l'astrophoto avec un 114/900 et webcam - http://forever114.altervista.org
- Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “E. Caffi” Bergamo - www.museoscienzebergamo.it

Informations, conseils

   Gianfranco Rocchini  

Un gros merçi à ma femme Josette Dumas pour la traduction française et à Isolde Corfini pour l'anglaise